SPPU Engineering Question Pape

by Shamoil Arsiwala



Pune University Question Papers and Syllabus in one app!Supports Papers and Syllabus from FE to BE Supported Branches: - First Year (2019 pattern syllabus)- Computer Engineering- IT Engineering- E&TC Engineering- Mechanical Engineering- Civil Engineering- Electrical Engineering- Information and Control EngineeringFeatures: • No Sign-Up required.• Downloadable & Shareable Papers/Syllabus.• Preview papers before opening them.• Semester-wise divided subjects.• In-sem papers included and separated.• 2015 and 2012 pattern separated.• Free to use.Email for any doubts or suggestions.Privacy Policy - https://sites.google.com/view/shamoilarsi/sppu-question-papers/privacy-policyTags - SPPU PU Pune University question papers engineering first year fe phy physics chem chemistry math mathematics mechanics mechanical mech civil bce electronics bxe electrical bee graphics eg be, se, te, computer, comp, cse, electrical, electronics and telecommunication, civil, mechanical, iac, inc, information and control, toc, syllabus 2019 2015